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Are you ready to sell your products and brand on

To sell successfully on, a good understanding of the algorithm is essential. We help product selling companies leverage their maximum potential on

  • 50.000+ selling partners
  • 13 milion active customers
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In the Netherlands and Belgium, is the largest e-commerce website. Founded in 1999, it began as an online bookstore but has grown into a marketplace with 13 million active customers and an assortment of 35 million items. More than 60% of the range is now filled by 52,000 sales partners who sell on

Why sell on

Selling on offers a unique advantage. You benefit from the strong trust and reputation this e-commerce giant has with millions of customers in the Netherlands and Belgium. thus enables you to gain direct access to millions of loyal customers with a buying intention.
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How to successfully sell on

To sell successfully on, a good understanding of the algorithm is essential. With more than 52,000 sales partners, competition is high and small details can make a big difference in your sales. Therefore, always consider working with a specialist who has expertise of the platform. A specialist can guide, advise and help you improve your sales strategies.
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Discover your sales potential on

We would like to introduce you to the quality of our services and the benefits of selling on risk-free: within 3 months not satisfied, money back guarantee. Our guarantee applies both to companies that want to start selling on and to companies that are already active on and want to improve their sales results.

Why choose ChannelMojo?

  • ChannelMojo is an absolute specialist
  • Recognized as one of the best agencies in the Netherlands
  • Committed to our customers: Not satisfied money back guarantee
  • We define your potential at no cost with an analysis


We have received several awards. For example, the Emerce 100 & the Fonk 150 recognize us as one of the best agencies in the Netherlands. Among other things, these awards reflect our ongoing dedication to our clients.

  • Emerce 100
    Emerce 100
    Top 10 best digital marketing agencies
  • Fonk 150
    Fonk 150
    Best full service mid-size agencies
  • NL groeit
    Erasmus & nlgroeit
    Top 250 growth companies in NL 2021 & 2022
  • FD Gazellen
    FD Gazellen
    7 years in a row FD Gazellen from '16 t/m '22

Are you ready to sell your brand and products on

We would like to introduce you to the quality of our services and the benefits of selling on risk-free: within 3 months not satisfied, money back guarantee. Our guarantee applies both to companies that want to start selling on and to companies that are already active on and want to improve their sales results.

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Free advice on your marketplaces strategy.

Selling on What optimizations can you apply to sell more?

Keep in mind that success on requires consistency, attention to detail and continuous optimization. With the rise of e-commerce, online marketplaces like have revolutionized the way people buy and sell products. has become one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the Netherlands and Belgium, offering sellers the opportunity to present their products to a wide audience. In this in-depth article, we take a closer look at selling and advertising on and discuss various strategies to optimize your sales account.

1. The importance of selling on

As a seller on, you benefit from the platform's large customer base and brand awareness. attracts millions of visitors a month, giving you access to a huge potential customer base. In addition, offers extensive logistics and customer service support, allowing you to focus on growing your business instead of worrying about the operational aspects when selling on

2. Creating your seller account

To start selling on, you need to create a seller account. This process includes filling out some basic information about your business and accepting's terms and conditions. After your account is approved, you can begin adding your products to the catalog.

3. A professional seller account

Having a professional and reliable seller account is essential for success on Make sure you fill out all relevant company information accurately and completely, including contact information, return policy and company logo. A well-presented account builds trust with potential customers and increases the likelihood of purchases.

4. Using an integrator

An integrator is a software solution that helps you manage and optimize your sales activities on Here are some reasons why an integrator can be invaluable:

4.1. Efficiency

An integrator automates and streamlines important tasks such as inventory management, pricing, order fulfillment and product information updates. This saves you valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

4.2. Synchronisation

An integrator ensures that your product information, inventory levels and orders remain synchronized between your own system and This prevents errors, duplicate entries and confusion, resulting in a better customer experience.

4.3. Scalability

With an integrator, you can easily scale your listings and add new products. You can also easily explore international marketplaces, as many integrators support multiple sales channels.

4.4. Data analysis

Integrators often provide detailed reports and analysis on your sales performance. This gives you insight into trends, demand patterns and profitability, allowing you to make strategic decisions to grow your business.

4.5. Order management

An integrator offers advanced order management capabilities, allowing you to easily track, process and ship orders. This helps you efficiently handle large volumes of orders and minimize errors.

4.6. Pricing

With an integrator, you can easily update and optimize your prices based on market and competitive analysis. You can set up rules to automatically make price changes, keeping you competitive against your competitors.

4.7. Inventory management

An integrator provides inventory management features, so you always have an accurate overview of your available inventory on You can set notifications for low stock levels and automatically sell out products to avoid customer disappointment.

4.8. Product information management

An integrator allows you to centrally manage and update your product information. You can easily make changes to titles, descriptions, images and other product details, making your listings always up-to-date and attractive to customers.

4.9. Customer service and return handling

Integrators often provide customer service and return processing tools, allowing you to respond to inquiries and return requests quickly and efficiently. This contributes to a positive customer experience and improves customer satisfaction.

4.10. Integration with other systems

Many integrators offer integration capabilities with other business systems, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). This allows you to seamlessly synchronize data and streamline processes for efficient business operations.

In short: By using an integrator, you can optimize your sales process, cut costs and run your business more efficiently. It can be a valuable investment to take your sales activities on to the next level.

5. Optimizing product listings

One of the most important aspects of successfully selling on is optimizing your product listings. This includes writing attractive product titles, creating detailed and accurate product descriptions, adding high-quality images and specifying relevant product features. Using relevant keywords is also essential to making your products visible to potential buyers.

6. Optimize pricing

Pricing is an important factor when selling on, as customers often compare different sellers before making a purchase decision. It is important to keep your prices competitive, taking into account factors such as purchasing costs and shipping costs. Using automated price monitoring tools can help you keep your prices in line with the market and optimize your profit margins.

7. Competitor monitoring

Keep a close eye on your competitors. Analyze their product offerings, pricing and marketing strategies. This will help you stay competitive and identify opportunities for improvement.

8. A/B testing of product listing pages

Experiment with different elements on your product pages, such as images, titles, descriptions and prices. Run A/B tests to discover which variations produce the best results and optimize accordingly.

9. Inventory management and logistics

If you are out of stock of a particular product and you have a sales account on, this can have a negative impact on your sales. takes several factors into account when determining the visibility of your products in search results. One of those factors is stock availability. If you are repeatedly out of stock, this can lead to a declining position in search results, making you less visible to potential customers.

To minimize these negative effects, it is important to be proactive in managing your inventory on Be sure to regularly check and update your inventory levels to ensure you always have enough stock to meet demand. offers sellers the opportunity to take advantage of the Fulfilment by Bol program, where handles the storage, packaging and shipping of your products. This allows you to achieve economies of scale and fast and reliable delivery to customers.

10. Shipping and delivery times

Fast and reliable shipping is essential for a positive customer experience. Make sure you organize shipping well, meet delivery times and communicate clearly about shipping methods and terms.

11. Optimize shipping costs

Consider offering free shipping or charging reasonable shipping costs. High shipping costs can discourage customers from buying from you, while free shipping can be an attractive selling point.

12. A customer-friendly return policy

A clear and customer-friendly return policy can increase customer confidence and influence their purchasing decisions. Make sure you have a clear return policy, offer easy return procedures and timely refunds.

13. The importance of customer reviews

Customer reviews play a crucial role in buyer confidence. Make sure you provide excellent customer service and handle complaints and inquiries quickly and professionally. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your sales page, as positive reviews increase the trust of new customers.

14. Use of professional product photos

High-quality product photos are key on Invest in professional photography to present your products attractively. Make sure your photos are clear, well-exposed and taken from different angles. Consumers rely more on visual information, so the quality of your product photos can have a significant impact on sales results.

15. Optimize your product titles and descriptions

Make sure your product titles are specific, relevant and well optimized for search engines. Think about the keywords customers may use when searching for your products and strategically incorporate these keywords into your titles and descriptions. Be clear and precise in your product descriptions, highlighting important features, benefits and applications.

16. Customer segmentation and targeting

High-quality product photos are key on Invest in professional photography to present your products attractively. Make sure your photos are clear, well-exposed and taken from different angles. Consumers rely more on visual information, so the quality of your product photos can have a significant impact on sales results.

17. Product features and specifications allows sellers to add detailed product features and specifications. Take advantage of this feature to provide relevant information about your products, such as dimensions, materials, colors, weight and other technical specifications. This helps customers make an informed purchasing decision and reduces the number of questions you receive from potential customers.

18. Product categories and tags

Make sure you put your products in the right categories and assign relevant tags. This helps customers find your products more easily when they browse the website.

19. Promotions and offers offers several promotional opportunities to boost your sales. Take advantage of discount offers, bundle offers, seasonal deals and other promotions to increase the visibility of your products and encourage customers to purchase. Also, keep an eye on's promotional calendar and plan your own promotions around relevant events and holidays.

20. Use of Sponsored Products offers advertising opportunities through Sponsored Products, which allows you to promote your products in search results and on relevant product pages. Take advantage of this advertising feature to increase the visibility of your best-selling products and drive more traffic to your sales page. Monitor the performance of your ads and adjust your bidding strategies for optimal results.

21. Cross-selling and upselling

Encourage additional purchases by cross-selling and upselling. This means recommending related products or suggesting a more expensive version of the product the customer is viewing. This can increase the average order value.

22. Setting up customer retention process

Focus not only on attracting new customers, but also on retaining existing ones. Offer excellent after-sales service, send relevant newsletters regularly and reward loyal customers with special offers.

23. Cross-platform sales

Don't just sell on, explore other e-commerce platforms and marketplaces. This allows you to reach a wider audience and diversify your revenue streams.

24. Collaboration with other vendors

Build relationships with other sellers and suppliers on Collaborations can lead to new opportunities, joint promotions and wider exposure for your products.

25. Actively handling customer questions and feedback encourages sellers to be active in responding to customer questions and feedback. Be sure to respond quickly and kindly to customer inquiries, and maintain a proactive attitude in resolving any issues. Good communication and customer service can lead to positive reviews and customer loyalty.

26. Packaging and presentation

Pay attention to the quality of packaging and the unboxing experience for customers. Careful and attractive packaging can help create a positive impression and increase customer satisfaction.

27. Analyze your performance

Leverage available sales data and analytics tools to gain insights into your performance. Monitor key metrics such as conversion rate, click rate and sales volume, and use these insights to improve your strategies and approach.


Selling and advertising on offers sellers a valuable opportunity to grow their business and reach a wide audience. By optimizing your sales account using the strategies mentioned above, you can increase the visibility of your products, build trust with customers and improve your sales results. Keep in mind that success on requires consistency, attention to detail and continuous optimization.